LOST BROTHERS – Mythic Films

LOST BROTHERS is a documentary about legendary photo journalist Tim Page and his relentless pursuit to find out what happened to his fellow journalists in Cambodia in the early 1970s.

“Imagine if your brother, son, husband went out to cover a war –  to tell the truth of what was happening to innocent bystanders who cannot affect any change to the situation they are in – and while covering that war they disappeared. Never to be heard of again. Nothing for 41 years.

This is what happened in Cambodia in the early 70’s. Five years of war, four years of Pol Pot, ten years of Vietnamese occupation and then a landscape littered in land mines and UXO’s, meant that the missing media have disappeared from our thoughts – but not from the thoughts of their families and loved ones.

Tim Page has returned 50 times to Indochina trying to learn their fate.  He has done this on his own dime and his own time. Now he needs help to get back.  This is not a search for remains but a search to find the last living memories of the people that saw them, helped them and that possibly know their fate”.

Tim Page is a close personal friend. I know how much time he has spent on this — how important it is to him. Tim’s quest deserves to reach a conclusion, and in honor of that this film needs to be made.

Mythic Films
Tim Page

Emphas.is – cutting out the middle-man

Emphas.is captured my attention with the questions ‘What if you were on Robert Capa’s email list in 1944?′ and ‘what if Don McCullin was blogging from Vietnam?’. Then offered ‘Now imagine if you’d sent them there yourself.’

They add: “Emphas.is is a new and innovative platform for photojournalism. It proposes a unique bond between photojournalists and their audience, and in the process aims to create a new financial model for photojournalism in the 21st century.” Photojournalism is not dead, it is evolving, and Emphas.is could be the best example yet of that.

The other platform of note is Kickstarter, and if all of this seems a little confusing, the British Journal of Photography sheds some light on this ‘cutting out the middle-man’ phenomena with Olivier Laurent’s article: Crowd-funding: With a little help from my friends.

Links relating to crowd-funding:
Learning from Larry
David Campbell
New Funding Models
Tomas van Houtryve / Journal
Crowd funding photojournalism
– Viewfinder / BBC