The Atlantic In Focus – Japan Earthquake: Before and After

“In just over two weeks, Japan will be observing the one-year anniversary of the disastrous magnitude 9.0 earthquake and tsunami that struck its east coast in March of 2011. The destruction was unprecedented and the loss of life and property were staggering — more than 15,800 are confirmed dead, with another 3,300 still listed as missing nearly a year later. Photographers documented the many faces of this tragedy and have now returned to give us a look at the difference a year can make, re-shooting places that were photographed during and immediately after the quake. Collected here are 20 of these pairings. They are interactive: Starting with number 2, click the images to view a fading before/after comparison.” – The Atlantic In Focus with Alan Taylor – Japan Earthquake: Before and After

This combination of pictures shows the view of a tsunami hit area of Ofunato, Iwate prefecture on March 14, 2011 (right side) and the same scene as it appears on January 15, 2012 (left side). March 11, 2012 will mark the first anniversary of the massive tsunami that pummeled Japan. (Toshifumi Kitamura/AFP/Getty Images)

Tokyo Vérité and Nikon

I have just returned from Japan, after a great experience Judging the Nikon Photo Contest International in Tokyo. Nikon’s hospitality was second to none, and working alongside my fellow Judges was both an honour, and a valuable lesson in picture editing. These are a highly talented group of people (and great company). Once my Judging duties were over, I hit the streets of Tokyo to try out the impressive Nikon D7000.


Nikon Photo Contest International 2010 – 2011

I have been invited to Judge the Nikon International Photo Contest in Tokyo in February. I am really looking forward to it, as I have not been to Japan since shooting a two week assignment for Le Monde during the World Cup in 2002. This was officially the first time I was required to use a digital camera in order to meet the paper’s deadlines. A Nikon D1x had been shipped from Paris to Tokyo and was waiting for me when I arrived. Learning how to use that new technology on the job was both an eye-opener, and a glimpse into the future. My very first camera was an FM. My second an F2 (with motor-drive attached it looked like a block of flats). I have always relied on Nikon, adding a Leica for those times when getting the shot required discretion. Now if I can only convince Nikon to put their impressive D3s technology inside a silent rangefinder style body with a 35mm f2 lens. What an addition that would make to an already influential lineup.

Nikon S2